Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Discovery Of Antipsychotic Medication - 1300 Words

Since schizophrenia may not be a single condition and its caused are still unknown, current treatment methods are based on both clinical research and experience. These approaches are chosen on the basis of their ability to reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia and to lessen the chances that symptoms will return. Antipsychotic medications reduce the risk of future psychotic episode in-patients who have recovered from an acute episode. Even with continued drug treatment, some people who have recovered will suffer relapses. Far higher rates are seen when medication in discontinued. In most cases; it would not be accurate to say that continued drug treatment prevents relapses; rather it reduces their intensity and frequency. The treatment of severe psychotic symptom reappear on a lower dosage, a temporary increase in dosage may prevent a full-blown relapse. (, National Institute of Mental Health The discovery of antipsychotic medication dates back to the 1940 s when researchers developed the first antihistamine drugs. The French surgeon Henri Lavorit soon discovered that one group of antihistamines, phenothizines, were used to clam patients before surgery while allowing them to remain awake. Laborite suspected that these drugs might also have a calming effect on persons with severe psychological disorders. There are also different types of therapy that can help a person will schizophrenia. They are Psychotherapy,Show MoreRelatedTreatments For Schizophrenia And Its Effects On Society1028 Words   |  5 Pageswith schizophrenia often rely on families and their environments for help them daily with daily tasks (NIMH, 2015). Schizophrenia causes symptoms: positive, negative, and psychomotor. Current treatments for schizophrenia are the second generation antipsychotic. Causes and symptoms vary between individuals. The causes of schizophrenia are unknown, however some researchers say it is caused by genetics (Piotrowksi and Tishauser, 2015). Some theories about the causes are biology, the brain’s chemistry (NMHARead MoreAnalyzing Biopsychological Disorders1522 Words   |  7 Pagesof antipsychotic medications. In 2008, The Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) trial discovered interesting information about the use of atypical antipsychotics over the use of conventional drugs. The CATIE trial indicates that the drug olanzapine offers more long-term effectiveness than more conventional antipsychotic drugs. The drugs risperidone, quetiapine, clozapine, and ziprasidone also displayed a longer treatment window than conventional antipsychotics. TheseRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Schizophrenia1504 Words   |  7 Pagesamount of psychotic symptoms, recovery time, and insight into their illness (Wang, Chien, Yip, Kartzias 2016). Patients who used this psychoeducation program were also being treated with antipsychotics, so it is important to combine the two for Jim. First-line medication for schizophrenia include antipsychotics such as risperidone (Stroup Marder, 2015). A study of risperidone determined that patients using the drug improved not only their symptoms, but their social function (Zhou, Zhu, Wang, Read MoreA Meta Analysis Of Schizophrenia Used By Heinrichs And Zakzanis1109 Words   |  5 Pagesin the delayed verbal memory and learning strategies domain contained more recently published studies. Lastly, the nonverbal memory domain studies were also published recently as well as having a high percentage of first episode samples on antipsychotic medication and tested outside of the United States (Mesholam-Gately et al., 2009). The attention domain was separated into three subcategories: processing speed, working memory, and vigilance. The subcategory, processing speed, maintained an SMD ofRead MoreSchizophrenia And Its Effects On Society1195 Words   |  5 Pagespsychiatrists investigated the etiology, classification, and prognoses of the various types of psychosis. At that time, the most common cause of the tertiary syphilis frequently overlapped with symptoms of what we call schizophrenia. This important discovery has served to illustrate how a psychological syndrome can be produced by an infectious agent. It has also sensitized researchers to the fact that similar syndromes can result from very different causes, and set for the current assumption that theRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Its Stages1296 Words   |  6 Pagesin the depressive state they tend to go back to the treatment medication prescribed, but on the other hand when in the manic state they steer away from the treatment medication because the individual can feel emotionally stable and self-confident in themselves (Jones, p.52-89). The usual medications used to treat bipolar disorder are the following: mood stabilizers, atypical antipsychotics, psychotherapy, and prescription medications (Ghaemi, p. 73-81). Mood stabilizers works keenly with the brainRead MoreEnvironmental Factors And The Development Of Schizophrenia988 Words   |  4 Pagesage of the father contributes to the risk of schizophrenia. The older the father the greater the risk because of the â€Å"genetic mutation in the sperm that can be passed on.† (Berkshire Health System, 2014) History of Treatment Upon archeological discovery, bodies found with holes drilled into the skull from the fourteenth and fifteenth century. It is believed that it was an attempt to cure the demons by allowing them to escape. CITE During the middle ages, when the church ruled, mental illness wasRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Symptoms And Symptoms1486 Words   |  6 PagesBipolar disorder was first discovered by a man named Aretaeus in the 1st century. The people of Greece in ancient times even noticed that lithium salt in baths would calm someone with mania or cheer up someone with depression. As time went on more discoveries on the subject were made. In the 17th century there was talk of needing to find a treatment by Robert Burton and later on someone named Theophilus Bonet linked mania to melancholy and called it â€Å"manico - melancholicus†, which brought on the considerationRead MoreThe, Back From Madness : A Struggle For Sanity Essay1618 Words   |  7 Pagesthe time, who seemingly randomly began â€Å"hearing voices from the sky†. She chose to seek help and was prescribed clozapine, which is considered to be the most effective antipsychotic currently on the market (Moghaddam Javitt, 201 2). When this treatment was shown to be uneffective, Naomi was sent through a series of other antipsychotics until she became catatonic and was temporarily hospitalized. Ultimately, her schizophrenia never went into a remission and she continued hearing voices. UltimatelyRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1658 Words   |  7 PagesTreatment Bipolar Disorder is a non-curable mental disorder, but it can be managed through medications and therapies. Medications include 3 classes including mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants. Therapies include cognitive behavior therapy, psychotherapy, psychoeducation, and family therapy. Treatment usually includes a mix of medications including a mood-stabilizer and/or an atypical antipsychotic, as well as psychotherapy. Bipolar Disorder 4. Mood stabilizers are effective

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